Global procurement has long been a mainstay of organisations with a global footprint. Reported benefits range from lower costs to seamless delivery, plus the ease of liaising with one FM partner that covers multiple countries.
But what if such benefits remain unrealised? With an increasingly unpredictable world impacting energy costs, supply chains, transport networks and more, the delivery of global FM solutions often falls short of what was promised. Disillusioned organisations are opting for local solutions instead.
Before becoming Mitie’s Chief Procurement Officer, I worked in global procurement for over 20 years. I can share insights and knowledge from both sides of the fence. And in the current climate, I believe local FM offers best value, increased stability and even improved colleague satisfaction.
In this mini-guide I’ll present key considerations when choosing between local or global FM. I hope each point helps you to reflect on your organisation’s needs and contributes to an informed and successful decision.
Shaun Carroll
Chief Procurement Officer, Mitie